3.52.0 (2021-01-04)
Bugfixes and minor changes:
- Fixed a regression with the rename file exists action on downloads
3.52.0-rc1 (2020-12-29)
New features:
- Added context menu item in the search dialog to close the search and set the selected directory as the current local/remote directory
Bugfixes and minor changes:
- Minor fixes for updating the HTTP transfer status
1 原创文章作者:汇维网,如若转载,请注明出处:
2 温馨提示:软件侵权请联系三天内删除相关链接)资源失效请留言反馈
3 下载提示:如遇蓝奏云无法访问,请修改lanzous(把s修改成x)
4 免责声明:本站为个人博客,所有软件信息均来自网络 修改版软件,加群广告提示为修改者自留,非本站信息,注意鉴别